4 research outputs found

    Optimal discrimination designs

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    We consider the problem of constructing optimal designs for model discrimination between competing regression models. Various new properties of optimal designs with respect to the popular T-optimality criterion are derived, which in many circumstances allow an explicit determination of T-optimal designs. It is also demonstrated, that in nested linear models the number of support points of T-optimal designs is usually too small to estimate all parameters in the extended model. In many cases T-optimal designs are usually not unique, and we give a characterization of all T-optimal designs. Finally, T-optimal designs are compared with optimal discriminating designs with respect to alternative criteria by means of a small simulation study. --Model discrimination,optimal design,T-optimality,Ds-optimality,nonlinear approximation

    Optimal discrimination designs

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    We consider the problem of constructing optimal designs for model discrimination between competing regression models. Various new properties of optimal designs with respect to the popular TT-optimality criterion are derived, which in many circumstances allow an explicit determination of TT-optimal designs. It is also demonstrated, that in nested linear models the number of support points of TT-optimal designs is usually too small to estimate all parameters in the extended model. In many cases TT-optimal designs are usually not unique, and in this situation we give a characterization of all TT-optimal designs. Finally, TT-optimal designs are compared with optimal discriminating designs with respect to alternative criteria by means of a small simulation study.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-AOS635 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Model identification for dose response signal detection

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    We consider the problem of detecting a dose response signal if several competing regression models are available to describe the dose response relationship. In particular, we re-analyze the MCP-Mod approach from Bretz et al. (2005), which has become a very popular tool for this problem in recent years. We propose an improvement based on likelihood ratio tests and prove that in linear models this approach is always at least as powerful as the MCP-Mod method. This result remains valid in nonlinear regression models with identi able parameters. However, for many commonly used nonlinear dose response models the regression parameters are not identi able and standard likelihood ratio test theory is not applicable. We thus derive the asymptotic distribution of likelihood ratio tests in regression models with a lack of identifiability and use this result to simulate the quantiles based on Gaussian processes. The new method is illustrated with a real data example and compared to the MCP-Mod procedure using theoretical investigations as well as simulations

    Likelihood-Quotiententests zur Modellidentifikation

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    Die Grundlage dieser Arbeit bildet die Modellwahl, ein von vielen Autoren untersuchtes Teilgebiet der Regressionsanalyse. Aus einer gegebenen Klasse von Regressionsmodellen soll mit Hilfe statistischer Testverfahren dasjenige Modell ausgewählt werden, das einen vorliegenden Datensatz am geeignetsten beschreibt. Es werden zwei Testverfahren vorgestellt, der sogenannte Kontrasttest und der Likelihood-Quotiententest, wobei letzterer im Vordergrund der Untersuchungen steht. Insbesondere wird das asymptotische Verhalten der Likelihood-Quotiententeststatistik für den Fall untersucht, dass unter Gültigkeit der Nullhypothese einige Modellparameter nicht identifizierbar sind. Für beide Testverfahren werden die Eigenschaften zur Modelldiskriminierung erarbeitet und sowohl theoretisch als auch abschließend innerhalb einer Simulationsstudie miteinander verglichen